Sep 22, 2008


Jagger my nephew came for a visit while Matt, Brennan and Marc went on their rafting trip. One minute he was playing when it got quiet I looked over and he was out. It was so sad he kept asking for BA that's what he calls my dad (short for SCUBA).

We decided to take him to the zoo I bought a zoo pass this year and we have really enjoyed it. I think it was Jaggers first time he loved it and kept growling at the animals.

He really likes Callie she acts like a little mom to him.

1 comment:

katherinejewel said...

How fun! I totally wish I could have came... thanks so much for taking care of Jag. Guess what he calls Scuba now... Booba. Literally like a boob with an a at the end. soo funny, and he came up with it all on his own!! He just can't get the Scu part... haha